Experienced specialist team
Corporate Connect Research uses a panel of industry leading equity analysts with decades of experience inside some of Australia’s largest investment banks.
Quality independent reports
Our research reports analyze the current financial and technical information of your company, presenting the findings in an informative, straightforward template, accessible to the investment market.
Broad distribution network
To support our independent research, we create exclusive content to be distributed across our investor websites. We believe that quality research needs to be supported by content that is engaging, and easy to understand.
Introducing our distribution and content partners
Informed Investor is a content platform for product issuers & financial advisers — we create digital content to promote adviser professional development and investor engagement. The business has contracts will the likes of IOOF, Perpetual, Magellan, Schroders, AFIC, Platinum to name a few. This platform has a broker/adviser distribution list of 12,000 professionals.
Trusted by Australian investors for decades Share Cafe is one of the oldest financial services sites in Australia. It provides investors with news, independent insights and tools to make better-informed investment decisions. ShareCafe has a highly engaged and loyal community, with 80,000 unique visitors and over 225,000 unique page views each month.
The Finance News Network is one of Australia’s largest providers of online business and finance news. It’s team of finance journalists create engaging digital content for listed companies and fund managers. Its news is broadcast across some of Australia’s most prominent investment platforms, including IRESS, Westpac Online, and Reuters.
Informed Investor is a content platform for product issuers & financial advisers — we create digital content to promote adviser professional development and investor engagement. The business has contracts will the likes of IOOF, Perpetual, Magellan, Schroders, AFIC, Platinum to name a few. This platform has a broker/adviser distribution list of 12,000 professionals.
Trusted by Australian investors for decades Share Cafe is one of the oldest financial services sites in Australia. It provides investors with news, independent insights and tools to make better-informed investment decisions. ShareCafe has a highly engaged and loyal community, with 80,000 unique visitors and over 225,000 unique page views each month.
The Finance News Network is one of Australia’s largest providers of online business and finance news. It’s team of finance journalists create engaging digital content for listed companies and fund managers. Its news is broadcast across some of Australia’s most prominent investment platforms, including IRESS, Westpac Online, and Reuters.
In addition to our CCR partner websites, all our research will be uploaded onto Factset and Bloomberg.
Our platforms measure all engagement data inclusive of page views and all investor profiles on all research reports downloaded. This enables our platforms to create targeted distribution lists which we can use to organise follow-up meetings and company specific webinar invitations. We monitor all social media channels where our content has the ability to educate and influence. Our years of investment experience allows us to understand what investors are thinking and what content will resonate with them.